Monday, 5 March 2007

groopit gets a blog

So when this lunchtime, chicken baguette in hand, we discovered other people had been blogging about groopit we thought we'd better get our act together and do some ourselves. Sorry, what I meant to say (for the benefit of would-be investors, funding bodies and parents) was that joining the blogosphere with a corporate blog was part of groopit's online marketing strategy from the beginning, and it was just coincidence that its timetabled launch date of 5th March 2007 coincided with the first online chatter about our humble site for groups arising from the weekend's demo at BarCamp Scotland. That sounds better.

I plan to post the ins and outs, ups and downs, and tasty teasers of what we're doing here at groopit HQ, and from our uncertain beginnings here and now I hope some tales from the road ahead will prove an interesting lunchtime read for you.

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